Who doesn’t love the vibrant colors of autumn foliage? The scene of red, yellow and orange leaves as they fall to the ground can evoke feelings of both excitement and comfort for those who love this season of the year. You may even love your fall leaves so much that you question whether they really need to be raked away and removed from your lawn. While you may not be opposed to the colorful blanket of leaves across your grass during the fall, it can pose quite a threat to your future landscape if you do not remove your leaves.
Here are three top reasons why you should get out your rake this month:
#1 Let in Light and Air
Think back to your days in elementary school science. All of your plants, trees and grasses must complete a process of photosynthesis to survive and thrive. A thick layer of leaves on top of your grass, however, can prevent the oxygen and sunlight your turf desperately needs to stay healthy.
#2 Avoid Pests and Disease
Fungus, disease and pests love dark and wet places. If you leave your leaves on the ground all season, you are creating a recipe for lawn disease and other problems to settle in during the winter months. This can drastically impact your spring turf.
#3 Boost Curb Appeal
Another top reason to remove leaves from your lawn is simple aesthetics. Piles of leaves can make your landscaping look untidy. Whether you use your blower or your rake, leaf removal can instantly improve your landscape appearance and make your lawn look tidy and clean.
If you’d rather have someone else handle the endless task of leaf removal this season, let us help at Mobile Joe’s Landscaping. We can also use your raked leaves as valued compost or soil amendment.
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12460 Crabapple Rd. Suite 202 - 407
Alpharetta, GA 30004
Phone: (770) 360-5604
Email: infomobilejoes@gmail.com
Mon. - Fri. 8:30 AM – 7:00 PM