As we close out the month of May, you’ll find that Georgia temperatures are staying more consistently warm. Your grass is likely greening up and flowers are showing their brilliant buds of color. As you see your landscape emerge from its long winter nap, don’t wait too long to start its upkeep. Along with a greener lawn and budding flowers comes weeds and other threats to your spring landscape.
Here’s a quick checklist of things you can do this month to keep your lawn in top shape:
- Change the direction or pattern each time you mow your lawn to reduce soil compaction and turf wear.
- Begin fertilizing your turf grasses.
- Supply your planting beds with fresh mulch to preserve moisture, discourage weeds and cool the underlying soil.
- Perform a final pruning when plants have leafed out to remove winter damage. Replace plants that suffered severe damage.
- Prune spring blooming shrubs after they finish flowering and climbing roses after their blooms fade.
- Snip off dried foliage of early spring bulbs (such as daffodils).
- Check roses, ornamentals and vegetables for aphids and powdery mildew.
- Apply fungicide for black spots or other diseases found on plants and flowers.
- Keep an eye out for bagworms on junipers and other conifers.
- Plant your summer annual (such as petunias, marigolds and impatiens).
- Make sure your irrigation system is working properly and on schedule.
Need help on your May landscaping upkeep? Want to give your property a new design this year? Give us a call at Mobile Joe’s Landscaping. We have a wide array of lawn maintenance and design services to fit your budget.
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12460 Crabapple Rd. Suite 202 - 407
Alpharetta, GA 30004
Phone: (770) 360-5604
Email: infomobilejoes@gmail.com
Mon. - Fri. 8:30 AM – 7:00 PM